Monday, January 16, 2012

They Run The World

Beyonce seems to think women run the world... now, I would need to disagree with that, unless she meant Asian women! I've been out here again for nearly a week now, and I feel stupid. Ok, I admit, I have been spending my time in Singapore, Hong Kong (and Taipei is coming up), which might not be representative of "Asia", but... I have been to Malaysia, Thailand, Tokyo, Indonesia and Bali too and still believe some of the below applies in one way or another. I just feel like there are some words in the dictionary we don't have the seem meaning for:

Checking in a day early in the center of town rather then the airport; high-tech, clean, fast and punctual public transportation (Belgium and France, eat that!); friendly and high-quality assistance (France eat that!); elevators that take-off like Porche's and bring you to the 40th floor in 5seconds WITHOUT losing the phone signal; shopping malls that are open 7/7 until 10pm where you find the best of ALL worlds; free WIFI everywhere; clean toilets for free everywhere... I must admit, although I love chaos I could get used to this!

Asian people spend their entire day eating. It's amasing they aren't taller and bigger! The smell of food is constantly in the air and literally everywhere are food-stands with the weirdest and most spectacular dishes... most of it I really like (good I am not scared of gastro-anteritis)! Last time my friends made me eat chicken feet, this time I stepped up a notch and had goose feet and baby-pork feet (sorry for the sensitive, vegetarians and Muslims amongst my readers). I did decline the chicken testicles, for now...

This time I spend hours in the kitchen creating my own pralines (thanks for setting the example Valentine), in order to show my friends out here how much I appreciate them. They are very loyal and always go out of their way to spend time with me, then get the best and refuse I'd pay! I always come with a half-empty suitcase because I know I will have to take so much back... presents, food (famous cookies), shopping... I checked my bag this morning: it is 25kg, 2kg over-weight already, and I still need to go to Taipei! I might have to sneak some of my stuff into my bosses case when he looks the other way to get it across the border ;-)

There are other words that have a different meaning: CROWD, WORK, COMPETITION, MONEY... but maybe I'll cover them another time ;-) 

Friday, January 13, 2012

It was about time!

... I took the opportunity to get back into writing. I friend of mine told me he likes my writing style... don't know if that was:
a - pure flattery to get me into his bed
b - politeness
c - a way to make sure I would continue to spill my private life upon your screens
d - all of the above

But as usual, I hear only what I want to hear and to me it was purely because I am extremely talented, and I decided I shall no longer put that talent to waist: I am back!

Now, little recap since I created the blog a year ago: I was in a start-life crises (too young for mid-life), and wanted to change everything. So far, so good! 
- I have a new job, challenging as ever, fun and well paid
- I have a new boyfriend, challenging as ever, fun and well f**d
- I still eat only organic food when possible (thanks to the well paid job)

So what shall be the resolutions for 2012? 
- More time for my friends... for one! Traveling between Brussels and Geneva hasn't been good on my social life
- Work out a plan for the next 10 years of my life: moving? more kids? different career?
- Catch up time with Mila and Lais
- Consolidate my love-life (oh my God, I talk like a consultant!!)

No, but really, 2011 has been tiring, and turbulent. I will tell you all about it in my upcoming posts. For now, Happy New Year to all (23/1 is Chinese New Year too, so Happy Year of the Dragon). Lots of kisses from Hong Kong