Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Free as a Bird

To say the least I am full of contradiction!! But one thing is for sure, I am fucked up in my head... The dream prince I had imagined in my head doesn't exist, and even if he did, he wouldn't be interested in me :-( And then there is that need for independance and freedom. Not in terms of being faithfull, but being able to think what I want, live on the edge and be different. Every man I love seems to stand in my way, seems to amputate my creativity. I am a lioness, and noone was able to tie me down (yet). So why is it that I still believe someone one day will succeed? Fairy tales aren't true. Mila shall be my only child... and since she has my character, I shall die alone :-(

- cleansing of the body: check
- cleansing of the mind: I should get a schrink ;-)


Unknown said...

hé bien chouchou, tu étais inspirée dit donc. j'ai lu tes pensées de ce jeudi 22 mars. moi aussi aujourd'hui jt un peu pensif mais je me suis arrêté là aussi non j'allais partir dans des délires existentiels. On est des spécimens bizarres. allé chouchou je te laisse et je continu à te lire.

One Love said...

Promets moi que si je suis tres tres vieille et toujours (ou a nouveau) seule, et que toi aussi tu est (moins) vieux et seule, tu viens me chercher - ou que ce soit dans le monde - pour qu'on se tienne compagnie?